March 10th
Good evening from Eagle Island and what was a most eventful day on the Yukon River. Started out in a complete white out, really tested me mentally more than anything. It was pretty scary, a GIANT river that you couldn’t see one reflector in front of the other...that was the first third of the day, the second third the wind blew down the river so strong and I was thankful for the occasional dog team you came by just to break the loneliness. I just felt so isolated in such a giant space. It’s exciting and terrifying all at the same time.
Then the last third of the day the winds relented and it was really quite lovely the remainder of the day down the Yukon River.
60 miles tomorrow remain to get to Kaltag and then I’ll be off this river which, at least for me is quite intimidating.
Traveling the river was some of the greatest mushers on the planet, it’s an amazing thing to see them doing their work.
I pray that I have what it takes to continue this journey and finish it off. It’s incredibly daunting. I feel good covering 60 miles today - 55 miles in about 9 1/2 hours.
Hopefully it stays cool and we get no new snow tomorrow, and we can get off this river. Once off the river then we really have the benefit of trail that goes from village to village to village. And you take a variable out which, here on the river the wind and the snow can be overwhelming.
For now, safely on Eagle Island, I’ve made friends who have invited me into their cabin. I’m feeling quite blessed to be out here and missing you all incredibly, but feeling all the good mojo.
So tomorrow, to Kaltag. Onwards!